Thursday, May 29, 2008

dR. HoUSe

Writing has been slow in coming. I’m hit with the sleeping bug. There’s a woozy feeling in my head, like a little ball of pain being kicked around. The world feels a little hazy. Perhaps if you look, you’ll find my eyes glazed over.

I’m sick. And my body is so whacked out from trying to fight the bug that I’ve spent the whole of today doing nothing much but sleeping. Even my appetite is off… but maybe that’ll take care of the extra pounds I have been worried about.

It never fails to amaze me, the wonder called the human body. When it detects any trace of illness invading, the internal engines start revving up. When a fever springs up, I know my body is hard at war, and I’m rather proud of it.

Oh, just get me the doctor. Dr. House, please.

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