Saturday, April 14, 2007

tHe WhiTE nOiSe of LiFe

She first knew something was wrong when she saw the packet of Ruffles potato chips that she had bought half a year ago still lying in the cupboard, way past its expiry date.

She used to snack, in bed, at night, when reading her books. Now, she no longer enjoys eating. It is as if she had lost her appetite for both food, and life.

She used to whistle, snatches of tunes she had no words for, by the sink, while washing the dishes. Now, she no longer feels. It is as if the music stopped one day.

She used to sing, favourite songs, in the bathroom, when she showered. Now, she no longer remembers the words. It is as if her mind had forgotten how to be happy.

The silence just crept in one day, and shut everything down. It muffled her senses, blanketed her interactions, settled into her life.

Silence. So deep, so angry, so powerful.

Stop. Stop the TV. Stop the music. Stop reading.

Stop. And listen.

Can you hear the silence?

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