Sunday, April 22, 2007


She has good days. Days that are clear. Days when the world seems full of promise, with a myriad thousand things to do. Endless possibilities. And she feels powerful.

She has bad days. Days that are dark. Days when she can hardly stand to find her way out, the world collapsing in on her. Endless traps. And she feels useless.

On her good days, she laughs. The huddled-over, tummy-clutching, tears-in-her-eyes kind of laugh.

On her bad days, she cries. The huddled-over, tummy-clutching, tears-rolling-down-cheeks kind of cry.

She runs, she skips, she flies. She’s on top of the world.

She crawls, she begs, she hides. She’s cornered in by life.

Good days taste like chocolate-coated marshmallows.

Bad days leave a bitter-sour taste in the mouth.

You have a choice, you know. What day is it going to be for you?

1 comment:

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