Monday, April 23, 2007

Mr. D

Mr. D is stalking me.

He likes to visit in the quiet of the night. Unannounced.

And I always entertain him. Because it seems the most natural thing to do.

Because Mr. D feels dangerous. Because Mr. D has seen things I never imagined were possible. Because Mr. D is like the forbidden fruit.

Maybe this is the lure of him. He is deep, dark and mysterious. He makes me explore bits of myself I did not know were there. He shares with me thoughts I never dared to think. Stripped down, naked and raw, he forces me to look, at me.

And every time he comes, time seems to stretch on endlessly. Like a forever moment.

Yet I continue to flirt with Mr. D. Sometimes not by choice. But I always give in to him.

Perhaps, deep inside, I desire Mr. D. For all that I don’t know about him, I want him to be part of me.

They said curiosity killed the cat. Who knows?

1 comment:

nomadinme said...

I guess everyone has a Mr. D or a Ms. T lurking around...

Hi hi, it's me, sk :) Long time no see no hear. Learnt abt your blog from Bak Chew.

Enjoy reading the inner thoughts...makes me feel I'm not alone. Hehee...