Monday, April 2, 2007

bLacK biRd

I woke up to the sun glaring on my face – I had forgotten to draw the curtain last night.

A palm-sized black bird with fierce-yellow beady eyes sits by my window making a lot of noise.

I wonder what the racket is about.

Is he calling out to his mate?

Or perhaps he is yelling to his family, “Hey kids, here! I found some lovely bits and pieces we can use for that bathroom extension we’ve been wanting to put in our nest!”

Or he’s cheering his friends on while they compete in an aerial race from Block 352 to Block 373, “Come on, Danny! I know you can do it! Just put your head down, keep your eyes on the landing spot, extend your wings… that’s it… and FLAP!”

Or, he’s clearing his throat.

Or maybe he’s just being a palm-sized black bird with fierce-yellow beady eyes sitting by my window making a lot of noise.

I wonder if he knows he is making a lot of noise.

And he said, "Now is not the time to ponder the meaning of life."

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