Sunday, June 3, 2007


People always tell you you are unique and special. Maybe to cheer you up. Maybe to make you feel better about yourself. Or maybe to just give your ego a booster shot.

In the recent few days, I've come to realise that actually, we are not that much different from one another. We bleed when we cut ourselves. We cry when we hurt. We laugh when we are told a good joke. We sleep when we are tired.

And life is and can be so fragile. Life is and can be so easily shattered. Life is and can be so readily broken.

You know, when you are old, sick, and lying in a hospital with IV drips in your arms and oxygen tubes in your nose, thinning hair, wrinkled skin, unwashed bodies, and strength enough only to catch your next breath, everyone looks the same. Male or female, the fragility of life paints over everyone with the same stroke.

Yet there is something in the human spirit that endeavours. Find it in you.

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