Saturday, June 23, 2007


Sometimes your heart feels very heavy, and it overflows.
Sometimes your head feels very heavy, and you just want to keep your eyes closed.
Sometimes your life feels very heavy, and you don't know how to go on.

Ms. M and Mr. D have been having a cold war for 2 weeks now, and it has left me very tired. Bone-weary exhausted. While talking to the one, I feel bad for ignoring the other. While having a meal with the other, I feel bad for leaving the other out. And bringing them together takes too much out of me.

While the exuberance of Ms. M excites me, her high-octane energy levels leave me drained quickly. Although the mysterious Mr. M makes me pensive, his brooding presence can be a welcomed comfort at times.

So sometimes, you just have to follow your heart, for your heart knows best.

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