Sunday, June 3, 2007


Hospitals and airports evoke the same weird emotions in me everytime I visit them. A mixture of apprehension, some curiosity, and this nagging fear at the back of my mind. Like you don't know what to expect.

I'm always reminded of the time during my Grandma's funeral and we wanted to take some photos for remembrance. I didn't quite know whether to smile or to look sad or to just have a blank face. Because it's supposed to be a sad event, but you always say "cheese" when you stand in front of a camera, and the elements just clashed in an awkward mix.

Each situation is filled with so much tension, of joy perhaps, or tears maybe, and always the worrying. I see all these people around me and my heart goes out to them. I see all these people around me and I applaud them. I see all these people around me and I am in awe.

Life humbles me. Death humbles me. And I am humbled by this struggle between living and dying.

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