Thursday, July 19, 2007

i FoRgoT

I sat by the playground today and ruminated. While the kids around me played on wooden horsebacks and oil drums and chattered excitedly. It was a chaotic morning. But a nice kind of chaos. The kind of chaos where you are so caught up in the moment you forget everything else for a while. And forgetting is good. Even if for a while.

I think we should all adopt this habit of taking a few moments off everyday to just forget about everything. There is so much our mind needs to handle it’s a wonder our brains all haven’t just toppled over in exhaustion.

So I think, consciously making yourself forget things is important. It’s what they teach in yoga or meditation, right? To empty your mind, to hold still and just breathe. To reach the path of enlightenment – Nirvana, as they call it.

Because forgetting can be empowering.

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