Sunday, September 6, 2009

aLMosT TheRe

It is the end of my 7-week holiday in the US. How time flies.

From LA to San Diego to Phoenix to Grand Canyon to Las Vegas to Rocky Mountain to San Francisco to New Jersey to New York City to Boston to Niagara Falls to Philadephia to Washington D.C. ... each place unique in their own right, injecting me with different sensations, giving me different experiences.

Of note on this trip for me are the national parks. I love the rawness of nature that surrounds me. (As I am writing this, I see a deer feeding outside my window.) Perhaps what touched me most is being baptised by the waters of Niagara Falls (thanks to my friend for coining this description.)

The friendships formed and strengthened on this trip are also important to me. They each inspire me in unique ways, giving me new perspective on how I look at the world around me. I look forward to our continued friendship.

What a whirlwind of a trip.

I will miss this place. A lot.

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