Monday, October 15, 2007


These are enervating thoughts, the thoughts of despair. They crowd back, unbidden, when human life as it unrolls goes ill, when we lose control of our lives or the illusion of control, and it seems that we are not moving toward any end but merely blown. Our life seems cursed to be a wiggle merely, and a wandering without end. Even nature is hostile and poisonous, as though it were impossible for our vulnerability to survive on these acrid stones.

Whether these thoughts are true or not I find less interesting than the possibilities for beauty they may hold. We are down here in time, where beauty grows. Even if things are as bad as they could possibly be, and as meaningless, then matters of truth are themselves indifferent; we may as well please our sensibilities and, with as much spirit as we can muster, go out with a buck and wing.

(from Teaching A Stone To Talk by Annie Dillard)

1 comment:

Fania Simon said...

"O' possibilities...
Illusion kisses
and touches truth
and gives birth
to life here on earth.

One day,
I will divorce illusion
And free myself
inside His vision.
I will marry unearthly truth
And finally give birth to harmony"

~fania simon
Inspired by 'manic delirium moment'