Tuesday, September 11, 2007

ChaNGing TiMEs

I just attended my little sister's graduation and I am feeling a little wistful.

Back during my time in university, I handwrote letters home every week. Email did not come into existence until my 2nd year, and even then, only a spattering of friends had email addresses.

I still remember during my graduation, our family camera had decided to commit suicide and we had to buy a disposable camera. Photos were taken with great care and precision, as we were limited by the number of shots we had. Digital cameras and mobile phones were foreign concepts.

Today, I was the photographer for my sister's graduation and I could take hundreds of photos with our snazzy new digital camera boasting a great 7.9 megapixels with video capabilities. And immediately after I am blogging about the whole experience.

Things are so different now, and I feel old.

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