Tuesday, May 22, 2007

bArGAiNinG 101

Step 1: Zoom in on item that catches your fancy

Step 2: Feign interest in that item, make inane chit-chat with salesperson

Step 3: Handle the item, but do not look desperate, meanwhile still making inane chit-chat with salesperson

Step 4: Ask to try the item, and make mental note of how much you are willing to pay for it

Step 5: Ask for the price, look alarmed, scrutinise the item carefully again, whilst still trying to maintain chit-chat with salesperson by alluding that the item is too expensive

Step 6: Ask for discount... in a pained sort of voice, add in a good dose of laughter to lighten things up

Step 7: If salesperson falters for a moment, go in for the kill and ask for a ridiculously low price

Step 8: If salesperson refuses to budge, immediately let go of item and prepare to walk out of the shop

Step 9: If salesperson wavers, pull out the exact amount you want to pay for that item (avoid situations where you need to break a big note)

Step 10: Always bargain knowing full well that you may not end up with whatever you wanted in the first place

And a master bargainer knows that that is OK, and yet still gets a high from trying to bargain anytime, anywhere, anyway...

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