Thursday, June 28, 2007

fAcES anD pLAcEs

Everyday, we put on faces and go places.

It’s so tempting to slip into a persona vastly different from your soul.

And maybe that’s why we admire actors. It’s not them so much but the ease with which they can change from one character to another, without qualms or responsibilities owing to anyone else.

For everyday we are actors ourselves.

But in our lives, there is a continuity we must answer to. Not like actors whose person ends as the filming ends. Our lives go on.

What we did yesterday and the day before has become history, a necessity caught in a frozen slice of time.

We don’t start with clean slates every day. We go round carrying our past behind us like backpacks on our souls.

Perhaps one day, we will dare to leave those backpacks behind, that our souls might be free.

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