Saturday, July 7, 2007

mY fAvOUriTe StrAw

I have a twirly whirly bendy pink drinking straw with Piglet clutching the top end of it. It is my favourite straw and I use it to drink my favourite drinks in my favourite wine glass.

I picked this straw because I like Piglet. Of all the Winnie the Pooh characters, Piglet is the one with the smallest frame but the biggest heart. I like Piglet because he is often scared and afraid and terrified and frightened. And I admire Piglet for always admitting that he is scared and afraid and terrified and frightened. Because I think that takes a lot of courage.

Piglet’s vulnerability touches me. It makes me want to reach out and help him. It makes me want to stretch myself to be a better person. And I suspect, another person’s vulnerabilities can often bring out the best in us.

So think Piglet, and be brave.

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